How To Construct A Blog Post

how to construct a blog post

Blog writing can be as simple and inexpensive as sitting down and writing about a topic using a free blog platform, however, for authors and businesses there are crucial steps to follow to ensure your blog posts are readily found by others through search engines, also to make sure your writing falls within a format that others enjoy reading.

Blog Post Basics:

Title – Create a title that is interesting, to the point, and captivating.

Create the Post

  • The first paragraph should be engaging, relevant to the content of your post, and written in your personal point of view.
  • Guide the reader along through subsequent paragraphs. Paragraphs that are easy to read and not overly long. Long paragraphs should be broken down into smaller points of interest – into digestible chunks of information.
  • Use points of interest, numbering systems, bold type, and bullet points to break the information down into visually appealing steps. Actions steps and lists are beneficial to the flow of your blog content, especially when you are sharing how-to information.

Graphics – Always add a related graphic or video for interest – to attract the visual side of the reader. Optimize photos and graphics by adding descriptions and keywords, with a link back to your page or blog.

Tags and Keywords – SEO! Always add relevant tag words and keywords. Blogs are practically ground zero for search engine optimization. If you want people to find the post that you’ve written, SEO is a critical part of your post. In the body of your post, link to other posts that you’ve written, products that you sell (such as books, if you are an author), and collaborate with other bloggers — linking to each other’s post.

Close Strong – Sum up your purpose in the final paragraph and address your readers for engagement. Ask questions and invite conversation. Urge readers to share their viewpoint or comments.

Blog Topic Collecting Tip – A frequent blogger (a writer who publishes regular blog posts) collects ideas as they work and play. This becomes natural to the blogger. The blogger saves these thoughts and ideas, blog post titles, and short quips or paragraphs for future blog topics.

Two rules of thumb that I find helpful when I both read and write a blog post:

  1. Keep the post to no more than 500 words. Most of us have grown used to reading short articles online. We do not want to read posts the size of small books.
  2. Never apologize for not publishing regular posts. Your blog is your connection with the world. Through your blog, you share how you feel and what you know. Apologies are not beneficial to you or your business in a Google search!
  3. Make leaving comments easy. Do not overtly require information from the reader, like a floating signature form that is difficult – if not impossible – to maneuver around. What do I do in these cases? I never visit the blog again.

Did you find this article helpful? I look forward to your comments – your tips – your experience.

Happy blogging!

4 thoughts on “How To Construct A Blog Post

  1. Absolutely! I love all of your tips, and more-so, how you are demonstrating the practice by performing all of the points you’re making in this post. What I would love to learn – How do I know if an idea is a worthy post? How can I stay relevant without being repetitive?


  2. I love the part about “never apologize” so many blogs start with “I’ve been busy and haven’t had time……” And the tip about linking in the Alt Text for your picture is a good one. Thanks!


    1. Thank you. I have been guilty of apologizing, way in the past. I realize now how ineffective that was.


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